ball point writers x |
Wole Soyinka was the first african to recieve the |
Nobel Prize seven years after this letter was written! |
Finnish epic teller Väinö Linna |
and short-lived poet Saarikoski |
x |
x |
The two Dumas, Eugene Scribe and |
the "Jekyll/Hyde" creator Stevenson |
TS Eliot |
major british poet |
Allen Ginzburg, Elie Wiesel, |
Garcia Marquez and chinese Pa Chin |
American poet Robert Penn Warren typing |
and earthy novelist Erskine Caldwell |
Arthur Miller, Henry Roth, Ginsburg, |
Henry Miller and M*A*S*H* Gelbart |
Sci-fi writer Ray Bradbury |
descibed the colonisation of Mars |
"Pippi" mother Astrid Lindgren |
and illustrator Ilon Wikland |
Solzenitsyn, Sholohov, Lagerlöf, |
Samuel Beckett and John Steinbeck |
Carl Sandburg, Maugham, Ibsen |
Bellow and Berta von Suttner |
"Hercule Poirot" mum Agatha Christie |
and "Maigret" dad George Simenon |
Visionary Arthur C Clarke |
wrote about both 2001 and 2010 |
Science fiction writers Heinlein |
LeGuin, Stanislaw Lem and Asimov |
Chinese writers Gao Xingjian, Li Rui |
and noted female poet Shu Ting |
banned Rushdie, "Negritude" Cesaire |
Hugo Claus and kibbutznick Amos Oz |
FDC signed by 19 writers [ list ] |
(hr; enl) |
Swedish Nobel Literature FDC´s with |
Derek Walcott and Toni Morrison |
Two more Swedish Nobel FDC´s with |
Gordimer and Wislava Szymborska |
the dark austrian horse Elfride Jelinek |
surprisingly won the 200x Nobel Prize |
Prominent contemporary swedes Bo Bergman, |
Moberg, Lundkvist, Lo-Johansson and Tranströmer |
Elias Canetti, Szymborska, Czeslaw Milosz |
and Odysseus Elytis, signing in greek style |
French triptyque specialist Claude Simon |
and Greek poet Elytis signing in latin |
Gunther Grass, "The Man with No Way" Imre Kertesz |
prominent poet Joseph Brodsky and Doris Lessing |
epic story tellers Isaac B.Singer |
Camilo José Cela and V.S.Naipaul |
angry young englishmen Tom Stoppard |
Harold Pinter and Kingsley Amis |
James Dickey made a memorable "Deliverance" |
here uncovering his swedish kindred spirit |
Mario Vargas Llosa (twice), Michel Tournier [ov] |
and the popular Dennis Potter |
Brazil novelists Amado and "Alkemista" Coelho |
side by side with José Saramago and Fuentes |