from Ping Pong
to nasty Watergames

Rickad "Tricky Dick" Nixon and
corrupt first Vice Spiro Agnew
The clumsy Ford became the only one
not elected into the Oval Office
Eisenhowerīs Attorney General W.P.Rogers
was entrusted the State by Richard Nixon
Melvin Laird had the impossible task
having defence look like a peace policy
strategic genious Henry Kissinger led
Nixon out of "Nam" and into Red China
CIA director James Schlesinger swiftly
took over Pentagonīs "Nam" conclusion
Watergate involved John Mitchell, Haldeman and
Judge Sirica, Attorneyīs Saxbe and Kleindienst
Fordīs Vice Rockefeller, War Ending Schlesinger
Moscow Watch Stoessel and financing Simon
Elliott Richardson was the only one
to hold four Cab-posts incl Defence
Fordīs and then again Bush Srīs
security advisor Brent Scowcroft
a Shultz sign and an early letter from
Rumsfeld after ending his Ford defence
Edward Levi worked with the Watergate
effect on the Attorney Generalīs reputation
Symbiotic Liberation Army SLA front figure
Patty Hearst was initially maybe kidnapped!
The Evil Genius and Nixonīs hatchet man
Charles Colson came out of Watergate preaching

The PEANUTīS Administration

The morally firm Jimmy Carter
lost his second term in Teheran
Vice President Walter Mondale
who ran and lost against Reagan
an friendly letter from Mondale
short and informally signed "Fritz"
Rickad "Tricky Dick" Nixon and
the always amirable Reagan (ap)
The clumsy Ford became the only one
not elected into the Oval Office
The morally firm Jimmy Carter
lost his second term in Teheran
The Attorney General Griffin Bell
tried to improve the judical moral
Attorney General Bell, Interorīs Andrus
CIA director Adm.Turner and treasured Miller
a short typed Civiletti letter
eight years out of office
Michael Blumenthal held
the Treasury 1979-81
William Miller was trusted the
Finance the first two Carter years
Benjamin Civiletti succeeded Bell
as Carterīs Attorney General
The Attorney General Griffin Bell
tried to improve the judical moral
Attorney General Bell, Interorīs Andrus
CIA director Adm.Turner and treasured Miller
a short typed Civiletti letter
eight years out of office


[ 1. Era of Conquest ][ 2. Growing Enlightment ] [ 3. Imperialism ] [ 4. The Great War (WWI) ] [ 5. Inter War Period ] [ 6. WWII Axis ][ 7. WWII Allied ] [ 8. Modern America ] [ 9. Modern Europe ] [ 10. Modern Africa and Asia ]
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