Dudley Moore´s "Arthur" spoiled enough |
to rule the World of Gielgud and Minnelli |
Dead Man Sean Penn walking into |
love with terapist Susan sarandon |
Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen |
on the move searching for the "Ring" |
Was there lovier creatures then |
"Bat" Keaton and "Cat" Pfeiffer? |
Michael Keaton´s Batman returned |
to bat girlish Kim Basinger. Who wouldn´t?! |
Halle Berry and Billy Bob Thornton |
had some hot moments in "Monster´s Ball" |
"Working Girl" Melanie Griffith tempted H.Ford |
and outwit her selfish boss Sigourney Weaver |
"Planes, traines and busses" didn´t stop |
the hate-love relation of Martin and Candy |
Universal beef-cake Soldiers |
Dolph Lundgren and Claude van Damme |
Classic "Godfather" photo of |
Andy Garcia and Al Pacino |
"Alexander" starred by Colin Farrell, |
titbit Angelina Jolie and one-eyed Val Kilmer |
a lobby card of "Edward Scissorhands" signed by |
Depp, Ryder and director Tim Burton |
Donald Sutherland and Mark Wahlberg |
happily finishing their "Italian Job" |
Jack Nicholson´s Van Horn twisting Eastwick |
ladies Cher, Pfeiffer and Sarandon into witches |
Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore expecting |
"Nine Months" of jolly good fun |
Kevin Costner and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio |
successfully fighting the Nottingham Sheriff |
Mike Douglas fatally attracted to perky |
Glenn Close on the expense of Anne Archer |
Competative first wives Goldie Hawn |
Bette Midler and Dianne Keaton |
Mick Jagger was to deliver some vital parts |
from Emilio Estevez to Hopkins in "Freejack" |
Starring "Grifters" were Anjelica Huston, |
John Cusack and radiant Annette Bening |
The Bikini Angels Drew Barrymore |
Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu in action |
"Kill Bill" lobby card signed by director Tarantino, |
Thurman, Lucy Liu, Viveca Fox and Carradine |
A beautiful Nam sunset signed by director Coppola, |
Duvall, Sheen, Fred Forrest, Hopper and Fishburne |
Max von Sydow, assisted by Jason Miller and |
mother Burstyn, had to exorcise diabolic Linda Blair |
"Wall Street" moral demostrated by Gecko Douglas |
the two Sheens, Daryl Hannah and Oliver Stone |
Classic "Some Like It Hot" drag queens |
Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon on the run |
Arnold really looks more stupid and |
repressed by "Poison" Uma than by Batman |
"Batman Begins" with Bale, Katie Holmes |
Caine, Oldman, Freeman and Liam Neeson |
Beyoncé and Sir Michael couldn´t compete with |
the unlikely comic duo Mike Myers & Vern Troyer |
the Lynch masterpiece "Wild at Heart" was |
devotedly performed by Cage and Laura Dern! |