Finding a cure

Rudolf Virchow pioneered the cytology and
Galton invented the fingerprint technique
founded the eugenics and developed statistic tools
Alex Carrel recieved the Nobel Prize in 1912,
Adrian in 1932, Szent-Györgyi in 1937 for x
x and Carl Cori in 1947
Charles Best co-discovered the insulin with Banting
who shared his Nobel Prize with him! Murphy and
Whipple (check cut by widow) won the ´34 Prize
Warburg discovered the respiratory enzyme
Alphonse Laveran the cause of malaria
Gullstrand pioneered the dioptrics of the eye (ov)
and Pasteur became the father of bacteriology
Alexander Fleming discovered by mishap
the antibacterial effects of penicillin in 1928
probably still the most life saving discovery
for which he shared the 1945 Nobel Medicine Prize
Nobel 1943 Prize Winners Edward Doisy
and the dane Henrik Dam and the 1950
trio Kendall, Hench and Reichstein
major DNA Nobel Prize Lauretees
Watson, Wilkins and Crick in 1962,
and Arber, Nathans and Smith in 1978
Wilkins, Watson and Crick revealed
the DNA structure; Watson, Collins
and Craig Venter the human genome
the 1954 lauretes Weller, Robbins
and Enders who were awarded for
André Cournand recieving his price from HRM 1956
and Frederick Robbins who shared it in 1954
John Enders earned his prize in 1954
for xx
Female Nobel Medicine Prize Winners
Barbara McClintock, Gertrude Elion
an early signed photo of DNA Giant
James Watson, jointly with a personal
autograph letter from Maurice Wilkins
Nobel Medicine Prize Winners of 1978
Hamilton Smith and Werner Arber and the
1975 "trio" Baltimore, Temin and Dulbecco
Nobel Medicine Prize Winners of 1978
Hamilton Smith and Werner Arber and the
1975 "trio" Baltimore, Temin and Dulbecco
Female Nobel Medicine Prize Winners
Barbara McClintock, Gertrude Elion
and Italian Rita Levi-Montalcini
an early signed photo of DNA Giant
James Watson, jointly with a personal
autograph letter from Maurice Wilkins
the not so intmate DNA mappers
Craig Venter and Francis Collins
compteted to map the human genes
an early signed photo of DNA Giant
James Watson, jointly with a personal
autograph letter from Maurice Wilkins
an early signed photo of DNA Giant
James Watson, jointly with a personal
autograph letter from Maurice Wilkins
Nobel Medicine Prize Winners of 1978
Hamilton Smith and Werner Arber and the
1975 "trio" Baltimore, Temin and Dulbecco
major DNA Nobel Prize Lauretees
Watson, Wilkins and Crick in 1962,
and Arber, Nathans and Smith in 1978
Wilkins, Watson and Crick revealed
the DNA structure; Watson, Collins
and Craig Venter the human genome
the not so intmate DNA mappers
Craig Venter and Francis Collins
competed to map the human genes
Nobel Medicine Prize Winners of 1978
Hamilton Smith and Werner Arber and the
1967 Medicine Laurete George Wald
Nobel Medicine Prize Winner 1968
Robert Holley in his lab
Female Nobel Medicine Prize Winners
Barbara McClintock, Gertrude Elion
Barbara McClintock, Gertrude Elion
Female Nobel Medicine Prize Winners
Barbara McClintock, Gertrude Elion
and Italian Rita Levi-Montalcini
Nobel Medicine Prize Winners of 1978
Hamilton Smith and Werner Arber and the
1975 "trio" Baltimore, Temin and Dulbecco


[ 1. Engineering ] [ 2. Physics and Chemistry ] [ 3. Biology and Medicine ] [ 4. Social sciences ]
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